Why do we preserve to be the Francmason of the Franco-Hispano-Filipino type of Masonry?

A question may arise.
Why do we preserve to be the Francmason of the Franco-Hispano-Filipino type of Masonry? Isolated these years of our existence, since the foundation of our Jurisdiction,
we are still around. And the answer is:
We preserve – Because of the Nobility of our Cause;
We preserve – Because of the Sterling Quality of our Masonic History;
We preserve – Because, infused into the Bloodstreams of our Masonic Roots , are the DNA of our National Heroes;
We preserve – Because in the every Foundation of our National Symbols – The Philippine Flag are embedded the Rito Escoces brand of Masonry;
We preserve – Because, man for man, soul for soul, each member of the Filipino Masonic Jurisdiction exudes the Best Masonic Character.
This is our Legacy – a Gift received;
This is our Pride, our Honor;
Rito Escoces Francmason at its Best.

Ill.’. y Pod.’. y Her.’. Wilfredo Lalimarmo
Ad Vitam
Soberano Gran Commendador
Supremo Consejo del Grado 33 para Filipinas
Logia Magdiwang Blg. 88
Gran Logia Nacional de Filipinas Rito Escoces Antiguo y Aceptado

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